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 Main Street

Nyack, New York 10960

(000) GET-REDY


Chic Glass

Welcome to BonaFide LLC: LifeStyle Research & Development; founded by Chic Glass. This Chic is pronounced "chick." BonaFide is the complete, smart platform to register every business or personal need, concern and complaint. We ensure that all are accurately identified and appropriately served; offering one point of contact for comprehensive lifestyle services. BonaFide renders scrounging haphazardly alone, in search of resources, obsolete. BonaFide LLC is the high-line, linchpin, contrarian niche that fills a massive void in the marketplace by addressing both simple and sophisticated matters which conventional organizations are not equipped to handle. We don't pussyfoot. We pounce.

All are encouraged to register every business and personal need; including, but not limited to mastermind brainstorming, project management, creation of appropriate employment, housing, development of lucrative relationships, legal contracts, riders and investment opportunities. All are welcome. Nonetheless, BonaFide LLC is the anomaly culture, designed to primarily target the untapped market of disciplined leaders, entrepreneurs, media entities, celebrities, retired professional athletes, Bohemians and accredited investors, who are in need, transition or limbo. When you are the best, you require the best. We seek hard core, serious players in every field, who get the big picture.

We know that success is associated with standing out. Not fitting in. And power does not run from power. It blends with it. BonaFide is the first and only, to properly structure the American job force and society as a whole. We introduce and primarily serve the Investment-Entrepreneurial-Leadership market of citizens. BonaFide is slated as a B2B, B2C and B2G company. Fret not. Your personal information will be shared only, with our goal oriented accredited investors, to serve your needs.

The optional, one time, non-refundable $100 registration fee with BonaFide, TACTIC or Solace pays for your answered Questionnaire to be processed by Chic Glass. You will also receive a mastermind consultation with the founder. Your $100 investment attracts more accredited investors to develop necessary resources for you and others. Please enjoy our TV commercial and pounce on the Questionnaire, Backstory, TACTIC and Solace pages to join the club. Feel free to call us for more personal contact. Welcome BonaFide genius.

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